• Faculty
  • 丹尼尔·马库斯
  • 丹尼尔·马库斯


    丹尼尔·马库斯 is Professor of 传播与媒体研究 within the Center for 云顶集团艺术与媒体专业. 他教授媒体、政治和电视课程 studies, and documentary film and video, as well as courses in 视频制作 and 电影剧本创作. He received a doctorate in Media and Cultural Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, after working in alternative media production with groups such 如纸老虎电视和深碟电视. 他也是富布赖特学者 斯洛文尼亚卢布尔雅那大学的教授. 马库斯目前的研究重点是 on media coverage of politics and economics, and on documentary and video activism. He has served as chair of 传播与媒体研究 and of the college Curriculum Committee. He has also served on the consulting panel on documentary for the national 皮博迪奖.



    I am currently working on a book project on how American media have covered political and economic issues in an age of economic inequality, looking at non-fiction sources, 政治演讲和流行文化.

    I co-edited 当代纪录片, an anthology that surveys important developments in documentary film and video in 最近几十年. 这本书被美国人称为该领域的“必读” 图书馆协会.

    In 快乐时光和神奇岁月, I looked at cultural and political nostalgia from the 1970s through the 1990s, and how senses of the American past portrayed in popular culture informed political movements and debates.  



    ed.塞尔明·卡拉, 当代纪录片. 伦敦和纽约:Routledge出版社,2016.

    快乐时光和神奇岁月: The Fifties and the Sixties in Contemporary Cultural Politics. 新布伦瑞克:罗格斯大学出版社,2004年.

    ed., ROAR! 纸老虎电视媒体行动指南. New York and Columbus: Paper Tiger Television and the Wexner Center for the Arts, 1991.


    “’To Call It a Zoo Would Be Unkind to Animals’: How Cable Television Came to Miami,” 安妮·沙利文和劳伦·赫罗尔德主编., 地方电视:历史、社区和美学. 雅典:佐治亚大学出版社,即将出版

    with Oliver Vodeb, “Capitalism’s Addictions: Design and the Displacement of Intimacy,” 奥利弗·沃德布主编., 激进的亲密. 布里斯托尔:智力图书,即将出版

    with Sam Burch, Lisa Gye, Kristy-Lee Horswood, and Oliver Vodeb, “Coming to the Fire: Collaboration Across Cultures in Media Activism,” in Christopher Robe´ and Stephen 夏博诺,eds.,  来自前线的叛乱媒体:一本全球媒体行动主义读本. Bloomington:  印第安纳大学出版社,2020年

    “Primary Methods: Non-Fiction,” in Michael Kackman and Mary Celeste Kearney, eds., 批评的技巧:实践中的批判媒体研究. 纽约:Routledge出版社,2018.

    “Documentary Treatments and Cultural Hierarchies: The 2008 Financial Crash in American 纪录片”,Constantin Parvulescu编辑., 银幕上的全球金融:从华尔街到西街. 伦敦:劳特利奇出版社,2018.

    “Documentary and Video Activism,” in 丹尼尔·马库斯 and Selmin Kara, eds., 当代纪录片. 伦敦和纽约:Routledge出版社,2016.

    “Debt in the American Economy: Busted Bubbles and Booming Inequality,” in Oliver Vodeb, Nikola Janovic和Rok klemenncic主编., 欠债干预:债务,沟通和艺术的关键问题. 卢布尔雅那和布里斯班:Memefest和昆士兰艺术学院,2014.

    “From Participatory Video to Reality Television,” in Laurie Ouellette, ed., 真人秀电视的伴侣. 霍博肯,新泽西:Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.

    奇迹年代:怀旧”,杰森·米特尔和伊桑·汤普森编著., 如何看电视. 纽约:纽约大学出版社,2013.

    "评论文章:对保守媒体的批判" 看电影杂志 51:4, 2012年夏天.


    Fulbright Grant, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2006-07, to teach documentary 视频制作. 

    会议论文 & 小组参与


    Tiger King: Narrative Dominance in the Age of Self Presentation,” Annual Conference of the Society 电影和媒体研究,2022年

    “Shark Tank: Heroic Entrepreneurship in the American Economy,” Cultural Studies Association (USA) Annual Conference, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, 2019 (also 小组主席)

    “政治名人马克·库班”,粉丝研究网络N.A. 发布会上,芝加哥, IL, 2018.

    “雷蒙德·威廉斯 马克思主义与文学," Workshop on Classic Texts, Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media 《云顶集团》,加拿大多伦多,2018.

    Invited Participant, Workshop on Radio Pedagogy, Radio Preservation Task Force Conference, 国会图书馆,华盛顿特区,2017.

    “The 2008 Crash, Documentary, and Contemporary Cultural Hierarchies,” Annual Conference 文化研究协会,华盛顿特区,2017年.

    “’To Call It a ‘Zoo’ Would Be Unkind to Animals’: How Cable Television Came to Miami,” Annual Conference of the 电影与媒体研究学会, Chicago, IL, 2017 (also 小组主席).

    Grizzly Man: Performative Selves Among the Species,” Visible Evidence XXIII: International Conference 纪录片电影和媒体,波兹曼,MT, 2016.

    “Excess and Access in Recent Films of Finance,” Annual Conference of the Society for 电影与媒体研究,亚特兰大,乔治亚州,2016.

    Invited Participant and Respondent, Workshop on Radio Pedagogy, Radio Preservation 特别工作组会议,国会图书馆,华盛顿特区,2016年.

    Co-leader and Participant, Workshop on Aboriginal Rights and Communication Campaigns, Memefest/Swinburne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2014.

    “Television and Media in Contemporary Political Dialogue,” 激进的亲密: Dialogue in Our Times Symposium, Memefest/Swinburne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, 2014.

    《云顶集团》,《云顶集团》 FLOW 会议,德克萨斯大学,2014.

    “The Criticism of Non-Fiction Media,” The Craft of Criticism Conference, Notre Dame 大学,2014年.

    “Three Scenes from the Car Culture: Documentary and the Economically Abject,” Annual Conference of the Society 电影与媒体研究,西雅图,WA, 2014.

    Co-Chair, “Documentary, Data, and Contagious Archives,” Annual Conference of the Society 电影与媒体研究,西雅图,WA, 2014.

    “How to Use Aesthetic Judgment without Becoming Judgmental, Maybe,” The FLOW 会议,得克萨斯大学,2012.

    “From Participatory Video to Reality Television,” Annual Conference of the Society 电影与媒体研究,波士顿,马萨诸塞州,2012.

    Participant, “The Undergraduate TV Paper,” public seminar and panel, Annual Conference 电影与媒体研究学会,波士顿,马萨诸塞州,2012.


    《云顶集团》 Aca-Media 2020年12月6日.

    "The 2020 Election: The Whirlwind Before Us," public webinar for the Phi Beta Kappa 大巴尔的摩协会,2020年9月24日.

    《云顶集团》 BackStory 播客,2020年1月3日





    I have helped to choose television documentaries eligible to get 皮博迪奖 for excellence. I am also a member of the Editorial Panel for Memefest: International 激进传播节.

    我是…的联合协调编辑 The Velvet Light Trap: A Critical Journal on Film, Television, and New Media, 1997-99年,后来成为其编辑顾问委员会成员. 我做过同行评议 还有读者 看电影杂志, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, New Review of Film and Television Studies, Popular Communication, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford University Press, 以及其他出版商.